The glamour couple of the Beijing Olympic Park

If there ever was a time to use the word ‘Awesome’, this would be it.

Having seen all the documentaries and understanding the effort and cutting edge technology that enabled the Birds Nest and Water Cube to exist, I was blown away, walking around, wide-eyed, mouth gaped, hands out feeling the texture of these super-structures. (I’m a staring, hands-on girl who pays attention to the detail – putting me in a place like this, or Dubai, is orgasmic)

A beautifully crafted couple, the Water Cube floats bright, light, colourful, and pretty while the Birds Nest stands handsome, solid and strong. In the evenings they’re glamorized in special LED designer lights, very sensational.

I couldn’t hep thinking that if the Big Day Out music festival had this olympic park as the venue, all senses (of sight, sound and chemically enhanced) would go into overdrive! But in all honesty, having such a sex, drugs and rock event in the company of these incredibly sophisticated constructions would be, disrepectful.

However! In the Aquatic Centre Water Theme Park, housed by the Water Cube, there was a ride which I am certain the inspiration was ‘How much fun would it be to get flushed down the toilet?!’

The answer? Heaps of fun!!